Submitted by lukasz on Fri, 05/28/2021 - 13:55
As you know, next week was supposed to be the race week for the Citi Handlowy IRONMAN 70.3 Warsaw. Having rescheduled the event to September 5, 2021, we would like to give you a quick update on how things are going. And they seem to be going in a right direction! We are on track for the September 5, 2021 race day!
  • The ability to host events continue to be subject to national government restrictions, but things are looking positive. We are pretty optimistic that – if nothing highly unexpected happens – we will be able to host the event as currently scheduled and deliver a safe and enjoyable IRONMAN experience to all our athletes, staff and volunteers.
  • Currently, groups of 250 athletes are allowed to race in Poland with certain time intervals between them. While we do expect these restrictions to be further loosened in the coming weeks, we continue to review our operational plans in line with our Safe Return to Racing guidelines as well as the current local legal conditions. This can mainly affect our swim start procedure and swim start area.
  • Of course, you should still expect certain Covid-related safety measures that we continue to develop and adapt based on Safe Return to Racing guidelines and our growing experience from various races around the globe. Apart from the basic sanitary measures, these may include some changes to the traditional IRONMAN weekend experience, e.g. online race briefings, modified slot allocation process, more self-service at the aid stations, welcome banquet replaced with special vouchers to local restaurants and some others. Detailed information on this should follow a bit closer to race day.
  • All the Covid-related guidelines, both for athletes and spectators, will also be included in the Athlete Information Guide that we will share with you by email and publish for download on our website.

We want to assure you that while some things can still be slightly different to what our athletes have experienced throughout years at IRONMAN events, what won’t change is our support for you - on and off the course - and our excitement to welcome you on the finish line in Warsaw.

Citi Handlowy IRONMAN 70.3 Warsaw and Citi Handlowy 5150 Warsaw will offer you a safe and calm swim in the Lake Zegrzynski, followed by a flat and fast bike course to the city center and a run course that will show you some of the city’s landmarks around the historic Old Town.

Despite our belief that we will be racing in September, we would like to let you know that we are willing to support you in case of any problems with your participation in our race resulting from restrictions in international travels, quarantine requirements or Covid-related health issues. Any such inquiries, including deferrals to 2022, are handled individually by our Athlete Services team which can be reached at and